Interruption Conflict

Have you ever been concerned about being interrupted when you are about to do something important and disruptions and distractions are not wanted or welcomed? You desire quiet focus or alone time. Maybe it is when you are going to the bathroom, dialoging with a friend or family member, making a business call, trying to remember an important detail like someone’s name before you introduce yourself to them, counting out change, measuring out ingredients for a recipe like cookies, bread, etc.

I had a moment like this recently, and these moments happen often. As a mother, wife, sister, and friend, I feel pulled in different directions and conflicted by this pull at times.

On a particular occasion, I was concerned prior to a conference call that a family member would reach out midway during the call. I was planning ahead and debating what to do if that happened. Do I remain on the conference call and not respond to the family member until after the call (text message “sorry, I can’t talk right now”) or be interrupted and take their call?

As the conference call began and prior to the main points of the day being addressed, during the hello and welcome, it was a tender mercy that it was then the family member reached out. I was extremely grateful that their call, to which I accepted, came in the beginning and lasted only a few minutes and I was able to get back on the conference call and not miss any of the important points that were brought up.

It was a tender mercy when a concern I had was resolved in a way that I was able to speak with the family member and also attend to the conference call. Both needs were met. A win win!

When have you experienced a similar win win moment?


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