Upon The Aftermath, It Made Sense

It was a tender mercy that upon the aftermath, it made sense not only why I had received the impression so as to jumpstart the release of the toxin from my body, but also that I had indeed received an impression.

After I returned home from a dinner out and prior to the close of the evening, I had a sweet tooth and craved chocolate. In that moment, I received the impression to drink lemon water instead, but opted against the lemon water and went for a piece of chocolate, a packet of applesauce, nuts, and water. An unforeseen side effect of what I may have been exposed to while eating dinner showed up hours later. Upon the aftermath, it made sense why I had received the impression to drink lemon water. 

Several years back while on a trip to a touristy destination, I did a lot of walking all throughout the area and ate yummy seafood sandwiches. Following the trip, I felt an internal heat penetrating my upper thighs. I thought it was attributed to all the walking I had done. However, I learned it was an allergic reaction to the seafood I had eaten. 

Because the onset of the reaction was not sudden, I was not aware of the cause until later. Much like working out and your muscles don’t feel sore immediately, then sometime later when you feel soreness, you may wonder why and realize it was from working out.

It was weeks before the burning, inflamed sensation let up and the toxin from the bottom feeder fish I had eaten completely exited my body. This allergic reaction was confirmed when I returned to the location less than a year later. After again enjoying the seafood, I experienced the burning sensation in my upper thighs once more for weeks.

At the time I craved the chocolate, I felt fine. Little did I know the significance of the impression to drink lemon water. The evening of eating out proceeded a 24 hour fast and I wanted to savor and enjoy a sweet treat and some sustainable food beforehand. As eating chocolate and lemon water together is counter productive, the either or choice went to my craving and not to the prompting I had received. The next day, the burning sensation in my legs began and I quickly understood. Upon the aftermath, it made sense why I had received the impression to drink lemon water. 

After backtracking to assess and try to figure out the source of the burning in my legs, it was a tender mercy I recalled the years earlier when I had the same sensation occur and concluded that though my meal was a non-seafood dish, it was probable that a trace amount of fish cooked and served to other patrons may have gotten into my food too. Per my experience on prior occasions, a successful means of clearing out toxins from my body had been drinking water with a quarter freshly squeezed lemon combined with pure cranberry juice.  

Though, from the get-go, I disregarded the impression to drink the lemon water and acted rather on my craving, it was a tender mercy that upon the aftermath, it made sense not only why I had received the impression so as to jumpstart the release of the toxin from my body, but also that I had indeed received an impression. Within a couple of days of drinking warm, honey lemon water first thing in the morning, it was a tender mercy the burning sensation became mild to hardly present and as I continued to then drink lemon water with pure cranberry juice daily for breakfast, the burning sensation gradually and eventually subsided. 

When have you had an upon the aftermath, it made sense experience in which you not only understood the why you received a particular impression to act, but that it also confirmed you had indeed received an impression?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published which includes an audio version of the posts as well, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.

This Too Shall Pass

Amidst the time period of nerve-racking worry and concern, it was a tender mercy I felt comforted “this too shall pass” and relieved once it did.

Here we go again! Another first-timer puppy owner scare! And, like the ones before, once again, a surety all was well came. On this occasion, it was when the phrase, “this too shall pass” entered my mind.

Our 6 1/2 month old puppy is notorious for eating paper products—napkins, paper towels, receipts, book covers, etc. out of the trash and off of countertops. 

In an instance, while preoccupied and not solely focused on her, it was a tender mercy an out-of-the blue, spontaneous alert to check on her and check on her now popped into my mind. In rapid succession came the question, “where is she?”; acknowledgement she was missing; another similarly posed question, “where did she go?”; an instinct that she had gone into our master bathroom; and a prayer while in immediate route there that I would get to her in time before she ate something she was not to eat.   

Sure enough, she had gone into the bathroom. However, by the time I got to her, per the evidence of small remnant pieces on the bedroom floor next to the bathroom of an item that had been thrown out, it appeared she may have eaten some of it, though I was not for certain if she had.

I was really concerned. And especially so because it was her bedtime. I questioned, “Do I keep her up or put her in her crate for the night?” I wrestled profusely with what to do. I read up on google about various options to handle what she may have ingested—from giving her hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting within 15 minutes of ingesting a foreign object, or if that time had passed giving her straight pumpkin for the fiber to help in removal of it within 10-24 hours, or feeding her rice in place of her regular diet until she pooped it out. 

Being that the veterinary office was closed and I did not know until the day after that a veterinarian was on call after hours, the only person I knew to reach out to was Heavenly Father. As I knelt in prayer desiring to hear an answer to my prayer, one by one I asked about each option and the response for each was a no. Rather, the answer I received for what to do was “you do not need to do anything”. 

I questioned if the dialogue between Heavenly Father and I was actually me giving myself the answer. Urg! So frustrating! I have come to recognize His voice and yet here in this important moment, I was not sure whose voice I was hearing, my own or Heavenly Father’s. I did however feel a peace to do nothing, but I was not content. I wanted a surety that the answer I received was from Heavenly Father, so once again I turned to Him in prayer for help to know with certainty  if the answer came from Him. 

Through my desire to undoubtedly hear Him and faith I would receive that clarity, I decided to read a random article in the Liahona. A few paragraphs in, I stopped at a paragraph that began with the word nothing. I questioned if that was the confirmation I needed. Though I still felt a peace and comfort to do nothing, I was not settled and sure that I was hearing the answer from Heavenly Father or from my own thoughts. 

After I kept our puppy up for a time and saw no signs of her having any issues, I placed her in her crate. She slept well all night long. Sometime during the night, as my mind was in rest and relaxed mode, I awoke to these words, “this too shall pass” in reference to all the other questionable items that she had before ingested and pooped out and that it would be the case this time as well. It was a tender mercy these words solidified and confirmed that I did not need to do anything. 

Once up for the day, I continued to research all I could to educate myself regarding every concerning question I had. I also reached out to a veterinarian and received concurrence that I did not need to do anything unless our puppy showed signs of having problems which she had not up to that point behaved any different than her normal self. She ate, pooped, and peed like clockwork. Eighteen hours later, it was a tender mercy a portion of what she had ingested did pass and a couple hours after that, the rest, I assumed, came out. Amidst the time period of nerve-racking worry and concern, it was a tender mercy I felt comforted “this too shall pass” and relieved once it did. 

When have you been concerned about what to do in an unsettling situation you had experienced before and you received a confirmation that like the prior similar instances, “this too shall pass” and all would be well?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published which includes an audio version of the posts as well, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.