An Uneasy Feeling Brushed Aside

While at the grocery store, as I selected a specialty food item that caught my eye, had a coupon attached, and was a product I had never before tried, I had an uneasy feeling about getting it, but I ignored the strong impression that I should not purchase it.

I countered the validity of the feeling and convinced myself to buy it anyway, believing it would be a great substitute for something else I really wanted that was not within my budget. It seemed a ridiculous impression as I chalked it up to and attributed the reason for the uneasiness being associated with my OCD mannerisms to compare like products and question which one is better. In trying to overcome my tendencies of being very particular in my selection process related to quality, I brushed aside the feeling I have become accustomed to recognizing time and time again as a prompting to not being certain if it truly was a prompting or not.

Once I brought it home and before eating some of it prior to going to bed, another specific impression that it would not be good for me to consume any of it, I ,too, disregarded. The next morning, soon after I got up and jumped into taking care of household chores, I suddenly felt flushed, sweaty, and as if I would throw up. It was apparent to me then why I should not have bought it.

Not only was it a tender mercy the experience solidified that I had indeed received an actual impression, but also the importance of following promptings and not ignoring them even when it seems ridiculous. In addition, the symptoms were short lived and I was able to return the food item to the store and purchase something else in its place. 

When have you disregarded an uneasy feeling that seemed ridiculous and the outcome helped you recognize that what you brushed off as insignificant, was, in fact, a real prompting?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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