Compassion versus Chastisement

An experience that I have never forgotten, a teaching moment, came years ago from one of my four young children. This child was standing on a step on the stairs as I stood across from them chastising them for something I observed that they had done and I was unhappy with their choice.

As I addressed this child, tears rolling down their face and with shakiness in their voice desiring to exit the dialogue, shared with me something very profound. This child spoke the words, “right now I need compassion”.

Here I was a mother chastising my child, addressing an issue I felt needed to be spoken to with firmness. This child did not feel of my love, particularly my understanding them. It was a tender mercy my heart in that moment was receptive and open to this child’s words. I was grateful they communicated and articulated their feelings and thoughts with me.

Many years since that experience I heard Carole Tuttle, who wrote a book called, “The Child Whisperer”, speak at an I Am Mom Summit sharing about four types of children, their style, their needs, and how to handle and address each as a difficult situation arises. My child had communicated their need for compassion. Had that child not spoken up, I would not have recognized their need and would have continued chastising the child for the action and behavior I was unhappy with seeing.

It was a tender mercy and blessing for me as a mother that in that moment I was taught by my child a parenting tip that was helpful and beneficial for personal growth, parental growth, and relationship development between a mother and a child.

What have you learned from your children? When have you been humbled and changed by something profound they said or did?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

2 thoughts on “Compassion versus Chastisement”

  1. Wow I really love this! Thank you for sharing your experience- I also love Carol Tuttle’s work and Brené Brown. It’s amazing what growth and learning we can gain when we keep an open heart.

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