Rushed For Time

Due to a spontaneous delay, while one of my children and I were heading to school, there was no time to spare to arrive when the bell was scheduled to ring. Along the way, I was praying we would be able to arrive on time all the while obeying the law. I believe in miracles. It was a tender mercy my prayer was answered when we pulled up and my son entered the classroom just as attendance was being called. It was convenient and a huge blessing that his portable classroom was beside a parent/teacher parking lot and I was able to drop him off feet from his classroom door.

There are moments of unexpected, unplanned delays. Those things that matter to us also matter to Him, our Heavenly Father. As we seek Him through prayer with real intent and our will is aligned with His will, we are blessed. Miracles do happen.

Along the same lines,  I have experienced leaving for church with just the right amount of time needed to get from my house to the church to arrive promptly, barring no delays and maintaining the speed limit. My desire to leave early is thwarted at times, and instead I find myself running later than planned. Wanting to be on time, I pray for that desired outcome and it is a tender mercy when every light along the way is green. In the hustle and bustle, my heart was in the right place and I was blessed.

I recognize that there are those times that my desires do not align with His will because Heavenly Father has a different plan for me.

I recall a story I heard of when a classroom of college students went to take their final exam. They entered the room where they supposed their test would be given. On the chalkboard was a message with information to a new location. As the students scurried across campus to get to the test site on time, many were unaware of opportunities along the way to help and assist others. Unbeknownst to them, this was their test, to which they became aware of when they arrived at the new testing location. I have come to learn that there are delays that have a purpose and a reason and there are those that are unexpected such as traffic and construction. It is in those moments I contemplate how I can best manage those things outside of my control. I am grateful for those moments when I am in a hurry and I have been blessed to arrive at my destination on time. I am also grateful for the recognition and acknowledgment of those times when delayed, blessings were present then also, unseen in the moment, but felt and known, sometimes as a protection from potential danger.

What experiences have you had when you have been rushed for time and running late with a desire to be on time? In the end, were you on time? Did you recognize Heavenly Father’s help in blessing you with arriving on time? Maybe you had a flat tire, and someone stopped to help? Or, you were familiar with a faster path when your original path was under construction or blocked due to an accident? If you did not make it on time, what did you learn and recognize along the way?


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