My Response To The Spilt Milk Mishap

A Spilt Milk Mishap

My youngest accidentally bumped his cereal bowl this morning and the milk and cocoa puffs poured out on him, the table, and the floor. All the while, I was resting on a couch nearby listening. I did not want to get involved or interfere as I felt it would make matters worse. Even when he quietly requested, “I could use some help”, my response to the spilt milk mishap was to remain still and unseen right where I was at as if sound asleep.

I was impressed on how well he tackled the clean up. He was proactive and took initiative gathering paper towels to pick up the mess, followed by wiping the area down with a wet paper towel, and once dry, scooping and sweeping up most of the remaining cereal and placing his wet shirt in his laundry basket.

He was bothered that it had happened and grumbled slightly, but overall controlled his irritation and went to work. When all was done, he noted it took him about 10 minutes. I was impressed! It was a tender mercy I was able to listen from my vantage point to how well he handled himself and what he knew to do throughout the unfortunate situation without any involvement from me.

As I drove him to school, I shared my quiet awareness of his proactive action, complimented his response and taking the initiative to clean it up all by himself, thanked him, and gave him a fist bump. He smiled!

When have you stepped back to allow your kids to take care of mishaps such as spilt milk on their own and you were amazed at how well they handled the unfortunate happening?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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