Ran An Unseen Red Light

Navigation is no easy feat for me even with GPS and especially on roads I have never before traveled.

When I entered a large downtown city with our family to find our way to our hotel, understanding the path I was being guided to follow was confusing.

With our hotel in sight, I turned left, crossed a bridge overpass approximately the distance of about 20 feet and didn’t realize there was a traffic light before leaving the bridge. My husband was a passenger at the time and shared with me that I had run a red light.

In trying to get to our hotel and not knowing how exactly to get there, I completely missed seeing the light. Fortunately, no cars were coming at us, at least I didn’t see any. And, what could have been a very bad collision if there had been, it was a tender mercy we made it through the intersection unharmed.

I was grateful we made it safely to our hotel that was less than a block away. Looking back, I am struck by how I missed an important light and also thankful for the protection we had in that moment.

When have you had your sights on a destination while driving and a critical sign was completely missed because of your unfamiliarity with where you were and you were protected with what could have been a tragic moment?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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