Saved By The Light

Early in the morning, before heading to bed just after midnight, I went to the kitchen to get a cup of water.  On the counter was the cup I had been reusing throughout the day with a paper towel over the top.  As I removed the paper towel and took the cup to the fridge to begin filling it up with water, the water light came on and I saw a spider on the rim. Immediately, I took the cup to the sink to dump out the water and rinse out the cup in hopes of also dumping out the spider. It took a few times of dumping and rinsing before the spider fell into the sink at which time I just got myself a new cup. Had there not been a light on the fridge when I got the water, I would not have seen or known that the spider was there. I am grateful for the light to have spotted the spider.

When have you been grateful that you saw something concerning to you before putting in your mouth (moldy bread, a spider…) or stepping on (a scorpion, spider, snake, fire ants, broken glass…) what was alarming and a danger to you?


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