Willing To Give

One particular Sunday while at church, I was amazed at the number of different occasions I observed and witnessed others giving what they had, to help another in their time of need. I, too, was willing and wanting to help. With so many ready to jump in, it felt like a race. Having resources available right away and being in close proximity to the one in need was key.

As one woman in the library expressed a need for a band-aid, immediately a young mother standing close by hearing her request pulled out of her bag a brand new, not yet opened, first aid kit. I too, was close by to assist, however, the band-aids I had were in my car not as readily accessible.

During Sunday School class, a student was invited to share a personal experience. When his emotions surfaced, he sought for a Kleenex. Although I had Kleenex in my purse, I waited as I watched several others who were closer to him look for what they had and I saw a gentleman not far from the student place a travel size package next to him.

The opportunity for me to help came later when I overheard mention of a friend who was hungry and no one near her had any food with them. Initially, I shared that I had gum and Tic Tacs and then I remembered I had a snack in my bag. It happened to be the perfect snack for my friend who was not only hungry, but also had food allergies. I was grateful I had something to offer.

In addition, when leaving the last class with a couple of friends, they expressed concern and wondered why a situation in a story that had been shared in the lesson couldn’t have had a better outcome. I was able to provide information to a possible reason and explanation. They expressed appreciation for the insight.

Time and again as a need presented itself, many, including myself, were ready, happy and willing to assist where we could. It was neat to see how quickly so many went into action to help another and it felt good when I was able to give something I had, to help someone else.

When have you been touched by the service you’ve witnessed others render to one another and when have you been grateful for an opportunity you’ve had to help another in their time of need?


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