Blood Pressure

It is not a hard thing for me to become stressed and feel anxious. I strive daily to maintain a relaxed composure and utilize techniques and skills to calm my nerves when I get uptight, nervous, scared, etc.

Recently, I had an annual doctor’s visit and recalling last year‘s stressful visit, due in part to meeting a new doctor in a new practice, I did not want a repeat, most specifically,  a less than desired blood pressure reading. This time around, conditions were different and I was not experiencing the same kind of stresses, however, my recollection hiked up my anxiety.

Prior to leaving for the appointment, I did things that would help calm my nerves from breathing—deep breathes in and deep breathes out, focusing on my happy place— the celestial room inside of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Temple, reading inspiring stories in a Latter-day Saints church magazine—the Ensign, listening to a song and a personal experience shared by an artist on “Hi Five Live -Facebook”, and I prayed for a miracle that all of the above would calm me and I would be able to stay focused on pleasant, happy things so my blood pressure would be good.

I have not had what I would consider a good blood pressure reading in I don’t know how long because I’m constantly experiencing and dealing with stress and anxiety. It was a tender mercy the calming techniques and my focus paid off and with Heavenly Father‘s help, my blood pressure was excellent!

When have you worked really hard to achieve a healthy state and you were successful?


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