A Healthy Distraction

Two of our children had plans to go to the movies, just the two of them for the first time together. I was particularly concerned about the younger one staying with the older one and maintaining the buddy system.

I am a natural worrier. I recognized my concern was more fear-based rather than trusting and having faith in the older one to watch over and care for the younger one in the same way I am vigilant of the safety and well-being of each of our children. The night before, the “what ifs” crossed my mind and by the next morning I felt all would be ok because I changed what I was telling myself.

Safety measures were discussed with each child and a protocol for a Plan A and Plan B were acknowledged in the event that they were separated. I knew it was important for them to have this bonding time together and allowing them to go would create cherished memories they will always have and share with one another.

My husband and I have taught our children how to make right decisions, to be wise in their choices, to be alert, attentive, and mindful of their surroundings; and they have learned tools that will help them when they find themselves stuck. It is important that I let them go and allow them to grow, particularly, when there is nothing stopping or blocking their personal development except my own worries for them when not based on anything other than fear. It was not an impression or prompting to say no. It was me and when I got past that and saw what good would come from the opportunity, I was ok.

To that, we said a prayer together, I said I Love You, I watched them leave and then I preoccupied my time with things that I enjoy so as to not consume myself with worry. I am grateful that I felt ok about it enough to say yes and I recognized it was my own fear that could’ve held them back.

When have you been worried about your children and you preoccupied your mind and your time with things that you loved and enjoyed to distract yourself from those concerns and it helped to more quickly pass the time away until you were reunited again?


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