Baked Squash

A short time before my daughter’s friends were coming over to bake cookies, I had removed a baking stone from the kitchen counter and placed it in the oven only to discover that baked squash I had made for dinner a few nights ago was still there. I had completely forgotten about it. I didn’t even have an inkling or a thought at all reminding me that there was anything left behind that needed to be either eaten or refrigerated for later.

I was able to take care of it, unfortunately, dumping it in the trash. It was a bummer as I would have liked to have eaten it at another time, however, I’m grateful I found it before the girls did. Had they opened the oven to see it there first, it just may have altered their appetite. It didn’t look that bad, nonetheless, the thought of food being left behind and forgotten for days is gross.

When have you been grateful when you found something unappealing while cleaning, saw it first and took care of it before your guests arrived?


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