
Only about twice a year do I get my hair cut after a dry winter and humid summer when my hair has become stringy and full of split ends. I don’t do much when I get it cut. Typically, it is cleaning up the split ends, styling the bottom with a point cut to flip the hair out or under, and framing around my face. I like style, but due to my silky hair that holds almost nothing and my skin sensitivities, my haircuts are simple.

I had plans to get my hair cut on a Saturday after I had received a coupon in the mail, however, when Saturday came, it wasn’t until my husband mentioned my interest in doing it that day that I remembered. I was grateful for the reminder. Not only that, I was also grateful to check in on an app before arriving giving myself more time to get things done at home then sitting waiting for my turn.

As the hairdresser was cutting my hair, she took her time and was very detailed. I did not mind at all. I was appreciative of the extra care she was giving to my hair. As I observed another hairdresser moving quickly through her patrons and one patron seeming surprised with how fast she finished, my hairdresser spoke to her to slow down. I enjoyed the time my hairdresser took with my hair and was also grateful for the insights she shared on how I could have less shine where I don’t want it and more shine and conditioning where it will provide lift to my straight silky hair.

When have you appreciated having any of the following—a coupon when getting your hair cut, a reminder from a family member when you had a plan to treat yourself, a short wait time, a hairdresser who spent quality time on your hair, and/or a helpful tip shared with you?


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