Free Children’s Songbook

I do not frequent Facebook constantly. Several days, here and there, can go by before I get on and look through specific pages I like and follow. Early one evening as I began browsing through recent posts, I saw a free children’s songbook. The illustration on the front cover caught my eye and I was interested, however, initially I scrolled passed it. Minutes later, I came back to it again. I really wanted it and I was certain if I didn’t speak up right away, it would be gone. I responded immediately that I’d love it. Shortly after, I saw a confirmation message that it was available for me to pick up. I was thrilled! There are times I am timid and hesitate to ask for something I really want, but today I did not give myself the chance to pass it up and I am so grateful I did not. I was happy I happened to be on Facebook at the right time to see it less than 1 hour after it was posted.

I love the artwork and I enjoy hearing my children play the piano. Every once in a long while, I’ll sit down myself and attempt to play simple songs. I was grateful to be a recipient of something I value very much—beautiful art and peaceful music, a blessing and a treasure.

When have you jumped at an opportunity you came across to receive a free gift you really wanted and you were happy you got it?


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