Stand By Your Feeling

I was facing a conflict, a dilemma to what I was going to do and what decision I was going to make at an annual well exam visit for one of my children. I was sure they had swimmer’s ear, and I knew there was a possibility that immunizations were given at their age. I was not only concerned about my child’s ear discomfort, but also if getting shots now was a good thing or not. I questioned if other problems or side effects would arise and complicate things if I didn’t keep the two separate and deal with one thing at a time. There was some leverage between now and a year from now to receive the state required school vaccinations.

I did not know what I should do, so I did the only thing that I knew to do and that was to pray. As I prayed about the decision to wait, I felt a peace to not have the vaccinations done that day. I had received the answer prior to going to the appointment and was prepared if I felt pressure to have my child get them while in the office. Although it was shared that my child was of age to have them and they were available, surprisingly, the pressure I felt didn’t come from the staff or the doctor, but rather from within myself wanting to ensure I was doing the right thing for my child.

When my child learned about the vaccinations, they were concerned it would hurt. I offered them the option of doing it that day, waiting a few months, or next year and allowing them to weigh in on the decision and choose what they wanted to do. They, too, felt good about waiting. The staff respected our decision.

I am grateful for the peace and comfort I felt proceeding the visit in knowing what I needed to do and I was prepared if I was potentially “put on the spot”. A few times, I did consider and contemplate for a second if what I felt earlier had changed. It had not. I was reminded of the peace I felt to wait. I stood by the original feeling and the answer I had received after prayer and was able to remain unwavering in the conclusion to hold off for the time being.

When have you received an answer to a prayer and you were able to remain unwavering in your decision when you felt pressure or when you were “put on the spot”?


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