Brotherly Kindness

On a very hot and sunny afternoon, our youngest son invited one of our other sons to go on a bike ride with him in our neighborhood and to spend some time together at our community park.

As they were preparing to leave, I was reviewing safety precautions with the boys, and the older brother said, “don’t worry mom, I’ll watch him.” My heart melted with the softness at which he spoke those words and his willingness to care for his younger brother.

Once outside while getting their bikes ready, the younger brother noticed his handle bars were crooked and the older brother happily went over to his bike, adjusted the handle bars and straightened them out. Both boys were cheerful and genuinely excited to spend some time together.

The younger one was happy his older brother accepted his invitation to go for a bike ride to the park and for fixing his bike and the older brother was happy to join him and to help him out. My heart was full. Watching our boys working together, getting along, and showing forth brotherly kindness to one another was a tender mercy.

When has your heart been full observing your children working together, getting along, and showing forth kindness to one another?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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