Timing Was Perfect

One evening as I was preheating the oven to begin dinner, my husband called and shared that he expected it was going to be a late night at work. I changed up the meal plan for our kids and I and held off preparing it until later. As the food finished cooking, my husband came through the door, arriving home earlier than either of us had anticipated. We were both very happy! The timing was perfect.

Then the next day, I was out all morning into the early afternoon and prior to picking up our kids from school, I stopped at a new restaurant that I had wanted to check out, most particularly because I had a coupon for BOGO Free burrito that was ending that day.  While watching the burritos being made, my husband called and asked if I was interested in joining him for a late lunch. I had a big smile on my face and said absolutely! The timing was ideal. I had lunch for him and for me and we were able to enjoy time together! So awesome!

When have you been overjoyed when a loved one or friend showed up at the perfect time to join you for a meal?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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