Handy Paper Towels

When a family member’s sparkling flavored water fizzed over when they were opening it, another family member was quick to come over with a bundle of paper towels to assist with the cleanup. I was extremely grateful for the thoughtfulness of the one cheerfully and willingly helping, all on their own.

And, later as evening came and lights were turned off, while heading to our bedroom, I saw something scurry in front of me. I quickly reached for a light switch to turn the lights back on and noticed a teeny tiny lizard that was moving fast across our hardwood floors in the direction of our carpeted bedroom.

I wanted to catch it before it entered the room as there was no guarantee I would be able to see it if it blended in with the carpet. When I called out, two family members were behind me with paper towels to swoop up the lizard before it got any further. As I was keeping an eye on its location and did not have anything to catch it with nor was I wanting to stomp on it, I was grateful they came right away with paper towels in hand.

When have you been grateful to have paper towels close by to grab or they were handed to you when you needed them?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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