Hidden Gem

I knew I hadn’t eaten all the mini cheesecakes a wonderful friend had given me this summer. I wanted them to last as long as possible and to be able to enjoy them over a long period of time, I froze them. One day as I went to get one, I could not find them. I pictured the number of remaining ones. I was certain I still had some.

After looking and looking, I resigned to the fact that because they were so good perhaps they were enjoyed by other family members too. After all, sharing is caring, right? And, if I kept them all to myself, that wouldn’t be right, right? I told myself this so I could better accept if they were truly gone.

Amazingly, one evening when pulling out a bag from the freezer to begin making dinner, tucked away in the very back, I still had some left!! Happiness! Joy! I was excited and looked forward to eating a couple of the tasty cheesecakes after defrosting them. Yum! Yum!

When have you been excited about finding something you valued and treasured that had been tucked away, lost and then found?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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