
Going out of the house with glasses on has its drawbacks. As they often slip down my nose and are smudgy, I am not able to see things as clearly as when I’m wearing my contacts. However, this particular weekend, it was rainy and humid and I didn’t feel like wearing my contacts. While venturing to the grocery store with my husband early one evening, I felt so out of it. It seemed later than it actually was due to the time of year and it getting darker sooner. I was walking around in a daze without the same focus and concentration I would have wearing my contacts. Those who wear contacts and glasses, can you relate? I wanted to be in and out as quickly as possible and not being able to see well made that goal a bit difficult.

Although for the most part we were getting staple foods that remain the same week to week, I thought about one of my children wanting to make Buckeyes. I decided we might as well pick up those ingredients also while we were at the store. Not knowing what was needed, I called my kids and asked them what items I should buy. They were not certain and had not yet looked up a recipe. All I knew was that Buckeyes have peanut butter and chocolate.

As I was in the baking aisle, I picked up some powdered sugar and shortly after, I saw a friend. As we were chitchatting and saying hello, I mentioned to her my child’s desire to make Buckeyes. She shared that she had just come across a Buckeye recipe that looked good. She found the recipe on her phone and texted it to me. Fabulous! Superb! Amazing! The recipe was for Buckeyes, more specifically, Buckeye brownies. I was awed and grateful. The fact that she had a recipe she was able to pull up fairly quickly because she had recently come across it herself was incredible! And, that I saw her when I did. Wow!

When have you received just what you needed/wanted at the very time you needed/wanted it because you opened your mouth and mentioned to someone else your desires and they had exactly what you were needing/wanting?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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