Multipurpose Sleds

What do you do when it rains?

Everywhere I have lived, other than where we are currently, it has snowed in the winter time. Our family enjoyed sledding, making igloos, snow days, and even shoveling snow. Oh, the fun we had. I liked these activities except for the cold that came with it. When we moved away from the snow and cold, we brought with us our sleds in hopes that maybe we would get snow and still be able to use them. Unfortunately, the opportunity for snow here is very slim. Nonetheless, we have continued to hang onto our sleds and store them on a shelf in our garage.

One year around Easter, we took a trip out West and as we traveled through the mountains, we anticipated snow and we’re looking forward to the possibility of going sledding. Although we brought the sleds with us, the snow was much higher up in the mountains, further away from where we were down in the valley. Our desires to once again, one day, use our sleds to go sledding has remained and we have not yet wanted to get rid of them. After all, snow sleds sold in warm climates is probably not likely.

After 6 years of living away from snow, this past winter it snowed. I was ecstatic! We got snow! It was glorious and our children soaked up the hours of fun while it lasted which included a snow day. My kids rolled up as much of the snow they could in our backyard to build a snowman and built up a hill that they could sled down. Other than that rare occasion, they have come to make use of their sleds in another way.

Although for the most part we do not get more than a dusting of snow/frost here and there, we do on occasion get lots of rain. With the rain and relative warm temperatures, our children have enjoyed going outside and slip sliding through the pool of water that flows through our backyard and sliding with their sleds in the street alongside the curb and sidewalk in front of our house as the water gushes downhill.

When we have torrential downpours from time to time, they will not only get out their sleds, but also their boogie boards. They have a great time. Recently, they have included their skateboards as they lie stomach side down, helmet on their head, arms outstretched, legs elongated behind them and ride as the running water pulls them down the street.

When it rains a lot, this has become a favorite past time for them. The joy this activity has been for my children has been exciting to watch and record. They have made the most of what could be a gloomy, boring day and turned it into fun memories and a creative way to use the sleds we no longer use in the snow but as a means to go sledding in the rain. I love the ingenious ideas my kids come up with to have fun being kids.

When have you taken an object intended for one purpose and have thoroughly enjoyed its use in another way too?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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