Good Days

I have good and bad days with my sensitive skin. It is up and down. It is a struggle. Right now I am in a good place. It could all change in a couple hours, tomorrow, or the next.

As I woke up feeling great, I was super happy. And then, a thought moved me away from my happiness. I became sad knowing that this experience was temporary and the challenging times would return. Inside, my upbeat demeanor and disposition dropped and my smile left. I began to lose excitement and enthusiasm and moved to feeling sorrow. But then, I heard a whispering of the Spirit share with me to embrace the joy of today for whatever length of time it will continue, hang onto to it, hold it tight, embrace it and rejoice. And, that I did.

Rather than dwell on the unpleasant days that I know will certainly come and are around the corner, I have chosen to embrace all that is well in my world. I am soaking it up, taking it in, appreciating and loving the good while it lasts. I am physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually well.

If I focus and dwell on the discomfort and irritations that will set in again, then I lose the goodness of what’s in front of me right now. Good days come and go. They unfortunately do not stay. When the bad days are here, it’s hard to imagine when there will be another good day again so on the good days, even if for only a few hours, I’m grateful for the message, the tender mercy, to take in what is joyful, embrace it, and hold on to it for as long as I can.

What message or impression have you received that shifted you away from a negative mindset to a positive one?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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