Saving Money

Typically, the moment my kids go back to school after summer break, I am giddy to frequent the stores as my kids do not enjoy window-shopping nearly, or at all, as much as I do. This year, however, has been different for me. For the past three weeks since my kids have been in school, I have spent my time at home indoors which is very unusual for me as I enjoy very much being out and about, moving and walking and I am not so fond of the silence in my home when every one is away. I have been organizing and tidying various rooms throughout my home trying to make a dent in the clutter while listening to podcasts and spending time on my blog. As I have taken up this activity, which I thoroughly enjoy and is free, I’ve noticed that I am saving money that I otherwise would be spending. It is awesome.

As of late, I have spent more energy and time thinking about my blog as I’ve gone about cleaning up my home than expending energy and thought into what I want to purchase next and buy for my home or for myself. I want to be more of a saver than a spender, however, guaranteed when I’m out and about and I find something I love at a reasonable price, I buy it.

Not only have I saved money from not going window-shopping, particularly for clothes and accessorizing my home, but I have also saved on groceries. I enjoy a concept and principle that I came across from Jordan Page through During the month of September, I have been implementing her concept to stay within a $25-$50 food budget each week and only purchase fresh foods that will add to what is already in my home pantry, cupboards, fridge, and freezer. I’m not sure how best to explain it so check out her blog. Doing this has been fun. I tried it out a few months back and saved hundreds of dollars.

Recently, while my kids and I stopped briefly at the grocery store to get a few items including milk, eggs, and bananas on our way home from school, one of them asked about getting something they saw and liked.  Although the amount was very little, I shared that if they wanted to buy it they could, but that I would not be buying it, reminding them that right now I’m trying to save money. And, frankly on a side note, as I see all that we have accumulated over the years and I want to declutter, I think to myself, “we do not need more stuff”.  Then I hear, but mom you buy this and that for yourself (sound familiar) to which I responded that it has been at least 3 weeks since I have been shopping for those things. Not only am I teaching them to save money and not spend for something that is not a need, I am also showing by example that I can restrain myself from making those purchases too.

As I have desired to save money, I am grateful for the redirection and joy I have experienced the past 3 weeks as windows have opened up new paths for me to spend my time in ways that have been more meaningful and purposeful.

What ways have you found to save money? What is something you love that you do or have done that is productive, keeps you active, is free, and diverts you away from spending money.


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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