Continued Expression of Gratitude

It was weeks before I came to a knowledge that we were missing our HDMI adapter. One day while in our church library, I noticed a hand-written note with an adapter attached and the name and number of a family friend in another ward who found it. Initially, I did not realize it belonged to us and then came to learn that my husband left ours on a TV he checked out of the library a month earlier when teaching a Sunday School class. Seeing the note and finding out it was ours before we knew it was missing was a tender mercy eliminating any fret, anxiety, and stress I would have felt over trying to figure out when and where we used it last. When I saw our friend later passing by in the hall, I reached out to express an exuberant thank you.

About a month later, a youth Sunday School teacher came to the library looking for their HDMI adapter that they had left on the TV the Sunday prior. For a number of weeks they returned to the library asking if anyone had seen it or if it had been found. Sadly, the answer was no. I was hopeful that it would be returned to them just as ours had.

Then one day after church as I saw our friend walk by, my thoughts turned to the happiness I experienced for their efforts in getting the adapter back to us as well as the sorrow I felt for the teacher’s loss. I once again expressed my immense appreciation and mentioned the teacher who was still looking for theirs. To that, our friend said they saw an HDMI adapter on their bishop’s desk and had wondered if it belonged to the bishop or if it was someone else’s. Following our dialogue, they asked their bishop and learned that the adapter was not his and it was given to me to return to the other teacher. I was beaming with excitement and gratitude.

Through this interaction and the sharing of information, it was a remarkable tender mercy that our friend also knew the whereabouts of the other teacher’s missing adapter. I felt joy being able to return the adapter to the other teacher.

When have you either been the recipient of a missing item returned before you knew it was lost or have casually mentioned another’s lost object to a friend and that friend had information and knowledge of its location?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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