When our family gathers together for our weekly “Family Home Evening” where each member participates doing one of the following—the song & prayer, scripture, lesson, activity, treat—rotating who does what each week, it can be chaotic and crazy when any one person is tired and cranky.
On one of these evenings as our kids were slap happy and it was getting on my nerves, for a moment, time stood still. Amidst the noise and rowdiness, I captured a glimpse of our togetherness. It was a tender mercy when I observed that everyone was present, participating, and engaged. Despite the noise spiraling around me, for a few seconds it was all tuned out and I captured the love that everyone has for each other. Instead of feeling frustrated, I felt joy.
As the days when our kids will disperse and leave home are getting shorter and shorter, I appreciate, value, and treasure very much our time together. I was grateful for the tender mercy to see beyond the loud commotion and recognize the blessing of our being all together and interacting with each other.
When has time stood still for you and you have captured the joy of being together with your family amidst chaos and commotion?
“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”