Look Behind

While helping to shop for pants that were the right size for a family member, we couldn’t find anything. Of all the variety of pants and the number of tables and shelves with jeans on them, we couldn’t find the right size in their preferred color and style. We looked and looked until we had looked through all the piles. As we were about to leave empty-handed, I had a thought to look behind a stack we had previously looked through and what do you know, there was another stack directly behind the front stack. In there were 2 pairs of jeans the right size. It was a tender mercy to have received the impression to look behind. As I acted on it, not only did we find them, but we also got them on sale.

When have you felt impressed to look behind what you could see in front of you to find that what you were searching for was sitting behind something else?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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