Close Call

When leaving to take a son to early-morning church seminary (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) while still dark outside, it was foggy with very little visibility to see very far in front of me as I was driving.

After dropping him off and returning back home, I had an impression to slow down, more so than my already driving just under the speed limit. My thoughts turned to the possibilities of what could be ahead in the fog preparing myself in the event that there was another vehicle in front of me or a person crossing the street or walking along side the street. Soon after the thought came and I slowed down, a deer darted in front of my car. I was startled. I was able to move off slightly to the right and avoid any collision.

It was a tender mercy I received the impression and thought when I did to slow down. It protected me and the deer from harm.

When have you had a thought or impression while driving to slow down, stop, or alter your course and it protected you from harm?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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