When I Couldn’t See

When I got in my car and I was preparing to head out, I first applied make up to my eyes and noticed I could not see with my left eye. I realized that my contact had popped out.

Months ago, I had a thought to put contacts in my purse. Today, it was a tender mercy when I needed a contact, I had one available in my purse. It was also convenient that I could reach inside of my purse to get a replacement contact for the one that I had lost instead of getting out of my car, unlocking my house, and going back inside. I was able to more easily leave because I had a contact with me and it was pretty amazing that I could see better with the new contact than I could with the one that fell out!

When has an earlier thought or impression that you followed through with blessed and helped you days, weeks, months, or years later?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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