Turkey Oven Bag

                HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Several times this week I went to the store to get food to prepare for today’s Thanksgiving meal. This morning while still in bed, it occurred to me that there was one thing I didn’t get—the turkey oven bags. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I didn’t know if any stores were open and if I could cook the turkey without an oven bag. When I got up, I looked in our cupboard knowing that we had aluminum pans. Inside the pans was a box of oven bags. It was a tender mercy there was one remaining bag left and we were able to cook our turkey in an oven bag.

When have you realized you didn’t purchase a necessary item for an important meal and you found what you needed inside of something you were using for that meal?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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