Romaine Lettuce Recall

I was struggling and just not myself on this day and come late afternoon I was trying to figure out what I could do that would help me regain feeling like myself again. I didn’t know if scrolling through Facebook would help me or not or if it would be better for me to take a break from Facebook. I wasn’t exactly sure what would help me get out of my rut. I went ahead and opened up Facebook and the first post I saw was a news release for a recall on Romaine lettuce. I happened to have recently purchased Romaine lettuce. I found out after calling the store to confirm if it applied to the lettuce I had bought that the recall went out a week earlier and it was just then I was learning about it.

It was a tender mercy I saw the post and our family had not yet eaten the lettuce. Not only was it a tender mercy I became aware of the recall and was able to return the lettuce to the store, but this experience brightened up my day. It was something so small and so simple, yet made a huge difference for me. It seems strange and it is hard to explain that it was this that helped me become giddy and cheerful once again. I was filled with gratitude for the tender mercy.

When have you experienced happiness in an unlikely way on a day when you have been in a rut or struggled not feeling like yourself?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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