Lost Sense of Direction

Every so often I lose my sense of direction. After dropping my kids off for their evening church youth activity, I ran a quick errand. On my way back to pick them up, I drew a blank not knowing where I was and which direction to go. My surroundings became a blur. Does this ever happen to you? Although I had no idea where I was for a brief couple of minutes, I kept driving hoping and praying I was going the right way. It was a tender mercy as this was happening that I was able to continue driving on autopilot. When the temporary fog lifted, I was relieved I had stayed the course heading in the right direction and I arrived at my destination with exactness and safety.  

When have you lost your sense of direction while driving or walking around in a store and you were relieved when the temporary fog lifted and you saw that you were going the right way?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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