One Treat After Another

For my birthday, my family showered me with many fun and amazing gifts. 

The evening prior as I sat enjoying my birthday dinner with my family at a restaurant of my choosing, I quietly desired and wanted the treat that is given when you let the waitress know that it is your birthday. On one hand I did not want to request it for myself nor draw attention and be recognized publicly, but on the other hand I wanted the treat. After all, birthdays only come once a year. As we finished up our meals, it was a tender mercy that while I had not spoken of my internal hope or wish, a family member had at some point shared with the waitress that it was my birthday and I was given a cup of ice cream with chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and sprinkles. Despite the embarrassment of being sung to by several employees, I was happy that I had received the treat.

When have you quietly desired something that you did not feel comfortable to ask for on behalf of yourself and someone surprised you with what you had hoped for and wanted?  

The day of my birthday, one by one I opened the gifts. I was appreciative and impressed with each present given to me. One that I was most excited, ecstatic, and giddy about was a pair of indoor sandals. For months I had been looking for these specific shoes to replace my then current ones that were broken. It was a tender mercy when I opened this gift that the ones I had been searching for a long time and had been unsuccessful in finding were right there in front of me. 

When have you been gleeful to receive on your birthday or a special occasion or at any time a particular gift that you had been searching to find for a very long time?

Another incredible gift sent to me by a family member was a leather bound writing book filled with blank pages. Receiving this gift was a tender mercy. I had not thought of or ever considered getting something like this for myself, yet it was very fitting as for awhile, in the back of my mind, I had considered the possibility of one day having a book with a compilation of my tender mercy moments. The leather bound notebook was so ideal to jump start me down this path in a way that had not crossed my mind. What had only been a thought, I could now see as a tangible book forming and coming together as I write a daily tender mercy moment on each page. I felt an enthusiasm and energy that perhaps the thought of one day having a book may actually become a reality. 

When have you received an ideal and fitting gift you would have never thought of or considered getting for yourself that raised  what you love doing to new heights? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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