Boost of Energy

After being out all morning running errands, I was so tired and so exhausted and I really wanted to go home to take a nap, but I hadn’t made it to the grocery store yet. While traveling in the direction towards home, I debated whether or not to stop and buy food at that time or wait until later in the day to go back out. Although it was OH-SO inconvenient to do any more shopping when I felt drained and not entirely or altogether with-it, it WAS convenient that I’d be passing right by the store on my way home, so I decided to stop. As I mentally reviewed the handful of produce, grains, and dairy I planned to get, I recalled an important ingredient to add to my list. 

On a prior grocery shopping trip, I purchased a main ingredient to make a specific meal, however, I didn’t think about getting the complimentary ingredient that would complete the meal. Needless to say, the meal was not prepared and the purchased item sat in the fridge untouched until I happened to notice the day of when it had reached its “best by” date. In not wanting the food to go to waste, it was a tender mercy I remembered to add the complimentary item to my list. In addition, considering my sluggish state, it was a tender mercy when I arrived at the store, I received an enthusiastic phone call from a loved one that woke me up some. I gained just enough energy to accomplish what grocery shopping I needed to do. 

When have you felt spent while out running errands and you experienced a boost of energy that helped you complete what you wanted to accomplish; and, while tired and exhausted, when have you remembered something important you needed at a very fitting time?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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