Downsizing My Everyday Purse

When, spur-of-the-moment, our family was offered NBA basketball tickets for a game in our city a few hours later, my husband and I gladly accepted them. Normally, I would be reluctant to go anywhere near downtown due to intense levels of anxiety I experience traveling in highly congested areas, but, surprisingly, I felt minimal stress on this particular night. 

Just minutes before walking out the door, I recollected a restriction on the allowed size hand bag that could be brought inside from having attended an event at this arena and another sports arena several months back. I quickly switched out my “mommy” purse for a smaller purse. Upon arrival at the game, I observed a fellow walking back towards the parking lot with a purse in hand. It was a tender mercy I recalled the bag size limitation. I was grateful to have not been in a similar assumed predicament experiencing the inconvenience of walking a distance back to my car to drop off my purse. It was also a tender mercy that on this evening, traffic was light and parking was a breeze. 

When has an inconvenience while out not occurred as you recollected something of importance last minute before leaving your house? And, when have you appreciated moments your anxiety in high stress situations was less than you anticipated?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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