Unanswered Prayer Answered

Quite regularly, as of late, when we turn the water on from the inside or outside our home, the pipes shake violently concurrent with a loud turbulent sound. Prior to our family leaving for a vacation, I wanted to run the dishwasher. Following our last meal and after I had finished prepping food and snacks for our trip, I started the dishwasher.

Though it was questionable whether there would be ample time for it to run in its entirety before it was time to go, I was praying and hoping it would at least get to the dry cycle before we left. It ran longer than I had anticipated and when our departure time approached, the wash/rinse cycle was still going. I felt it was pertinent and critical to wait till it reached the dry cycle so I lingered a bit longer thinking the wash/rinse cycle would stop any minute. 

I believed my prayer would be answered so I would not worry about any potential damage to our home while we were away, unfortunately that was not the case. At least, not in the way I had expected. When I held off as long as possible and it was time for us to go even with the dishwasher still running, I heard a still small voice whisper “all will be ok”. I felt a calmness and assurance all would be well. Although my prayer was not answered in the manner I had asked, my prayer was answered. 

When has your specific prayer not been answered in the manner you had asked, yet it was answered?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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