Driving Error

On a heavily pouring rain, wipers full speed, gray and hazy morning while taking one of my children to school, visibility was off and on limited along the way. As such, although I had driven the same path almost daily for months, I realized, after the fact, that I had taken the wrong exit. Upon making a left-hand turn under a bridge with my turn signal blinking, I found myself in a nonofficial outside turn lane needing to merge immediately into the one and only turn lane. I had supposed the lane I was in also turned left and was unaware it did not until I made the turn. It was a tender mercy that when I recognized my error, the vehicle in the proper turn lane was a car length behind me and I was able to swiftly merge in safely.

When has your ability to see while driving been skewed temporarily and upon realizing you were navigating off course, you were able to recorrect safely?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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