My Dress Criteria Was Met

On Mother’s Day, it took me 45 minutes to figure out and settle on what dress I was going to wear to church. As I was glancing over several different options and trying to decide between a variety of blouse/skirt combinations and dresses in my wardrobe, I was having a hard time coordinating an outfit that felt right and one that would hopefully fulfill all three of my desired criteria. 

First, knowing that after sacrament meeting there would be a special luncheon provided for all the women and girls over 12 years old and assuming we would be sitting on chairs set up in a large circle facing each other with our food plates on our laps, I wanted to wear a dress or skirt that fell below my knees. My second criteria was that I wanted to wear a seasonal spring dress. My third criteria was that I wanted to wear a dress or shirt with long sleeves as the days prior had been cool outside and I tend to feel cold in an air-conditioned building.

It was a tender mercy that after some time searching, I found a dress, initially unseen and hidden among my clothes, that fit all three criteria. The dress went below my knees, had accented roses along the midsection sash, hem and along either side of the v-neck, and, although it was short sleeved, I had a 3/4 sleeved cardigan that went nicely with the dress. 

When have you found in your wardrobe an outfit that met all of your desired criteria as you were getting ready for a specific occasion? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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