Free Limited-Time Opportunity

On a Saturday evening as our family arrived at a trampoline park for our children to enjoy a discounted youth night, it was a tender mercy that as we entered the facility I happened to notice information posted about 1 free hour of jumping for students who had straight A’s on their recent report cards. The reward was expiring close to the end of the month, less than a week later. 

Being that this was not a place we frequent often due to the relatively expensive, regular admission pricing, our kids, whom each had received straight A’s, were excited and looking forward to returning again within a few days to enjoy the free hour of jumping, especially since one of our children had been working really hard on being able to do a backflip from the ground. The opportunity and timing for them to practice in this location was ideal and extremely helpful for them to improve upon a skill they’ve desired to attain and achieve, transitioning from a trampoline to a padded firm surface and then to the ground. 

The day we went back, we arrived 1 hour and 15 minutes before close. In addition to our children getting 1 free hour to jump and receiving the required socks at no cost, they were also given the extra 15 minutes for free as well. Had we not been at this gym the weekend prior, we would not have known about the trampoline parks amazing free limited-time reward for good grades. 

When have you experienced a free limited-time opportunity that was amazing as a result of coming across it while attending an activity, running an errand, or just out and about? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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