When I Went For The Deletion

Not long after installing a new application recommended by another blogger for the primary purpose of enhancing the visibility of my blog, I questioned whether it was actually beneficial for me to have done so or not. Once downloaded, the feature I was most excited about didn’t seem to provide the intended value I had envisioned.

As the tool was completely foreign to me, I searched different websites to figure out and learn how to use it. Even with finding supposed easy step-by-step instructions, I could not make sense of most of the technology lingo or terminology and I didn’t know anyone I could reach out to for help. After much effort of trying to understand and comprehend the tool but not getting the results I had anticipated when I assumed I knew what I was doing, I was ready to deactivate the application. 

With my limited technology know-how, I prayed to know if I should keep the application up and running or delete it. Not having a clear answer what I should do and being content to go back to the simple and basic way I had been publishing my blog, I decided to remove the application altogether. 

In the moment I was ready to go for it and shut it down, it was a tender mercy a friend with technology experience called right then and offered to provide me help later that day. During our conversation and in the process of waiting to meet up, I realized I hadn’t given this new tool adequate time to truly see its full potential nor was I using the functions effectively. Turns out the tool was more useful and better than I had expected.  

When have you been prepared to deactivate a tool that didn’t seem to be working in the manner you intended, and in the very moment you were going to press delete, support came to your aid and you realized the resource you had installed was valuable after all?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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