Somehow I strained the bottom arch of my right foot. I didn’t know how, but wow it hurt a lot all throughout the day when walking around from place to place. I could not trace back what may have caused the injury. I wondered if I had run into something or if something had dropped on my foot. To no avail, I could not figure out how and when it happened. There was no visible swelling or sign of bruising, just excruciating pain.
As I massaged my foot to release the soreness, I was not able to locate the exact spot or the source from where the pain was originating, however, when standing on it, I could feel an intense amount of sharpness. I tried stretching out my foot, hoping it would help to decrease the pain, but that didn’t seem to work either.
Later in the evening while out on a date with my husband and not knowing with certainty how long I would experience the prolonged sharpness, I was concerned about training my foot to walk incorrectly if I favored staying only on the outside edge of my foot away from the pain, so I tried hard to walk on it normal and endure the discomfort.
In the evening as I headed to bed, I had a thought to apply ice to my foot. As I elevated my leg slightly, resting it above my blankets, I set a double layered ziplock sandwich bag half full of ice to my foot. In doing so a couple of times throughout the night, it was a tender mercy that when I awoke the next morning and stepped down on my foot, the strain was completely gone with absolutely no indication of it ever being present. An amazing miracle! It was baffling how out of the blue the onset of the strain came on and just as incredible how overnight, after applying the ice, it went away altogether.
When have you had a body strain that came on out of nowhere and being unable to stretch it out or massage the soreness away, it was through applying ice that the sharp pain dissipated altogether as if the strain had never been there at all?
“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”
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