Being Lost Paid Off

In trying to figure out which way to go, being lost paid off.

When has being lost paid off for you? I have been needing to go walking for a long time, but have put it off for other higher priority activities. While I was out delivering a treat to a friend and looking for their place, I was unable to access their enclosed community without having their gate code. I parked at the complex’s main office and figured I could then walk to their place by going through the office. 

It was a tender mercy that as soon as I got out of my car, a gate nearby opened and I was able to enter by foot that way. I walked briskly to find their place as time was short before I needed to pick up my kids from school. Within a few minutes of thinking I was going the right way, my phone GPS was indicating I was going the wrong way. After rerouting me a number of times and finding that I was getting supposedly further and further away from my friend’s place, I turned around and did my best to follow the map as it guided me in a completely different direction which still didn’t seem to be getting me any closer to their place. At one point, I actually reached a dead end. 

In trying to figure out which way to go, someone spotted me and asked if I was lost and redirected me back over to where I had originally been before turning around. It just so happened that my friend’s place was only a few steps ahead from that location. Rather than looking for the number to their residence on the buildings themselves, I had focused and relied only on my navigation map app to get me to their place.

Though I could have been frustrated, instead it was a tender mercy that being lost and parking at the office was an opportunity for me to get in a nice, quick, fast-paced walk on a beautiful, cool and sunny day. Being lost paid off. I was super grateful for the much needed exercise that came about in the way it did.  

When have you relished in an opportunity to take care of yourself that inadvertently came about as a result of being lost, to which, being lost paid off?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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