I Felt Impressed To Open a Specific Envelope

Feeling Impressed To Open A Specific Envelope That Came In The Mailbox

As I brought into my home a stack of mail I had just picked up from the mailbox and set down on a bench in our foyer after organizing and separating the important mail from the junk mail, I felt impressed to open a specific envelope I had put aside to take care of later, however, I intentionally ignored the impression.  

I assumed it was a quarterly bill due at the first of the next month. I was not anxious to open the envelope and opted to wait to do so until I arrived at the company office a distance across town to pay it sometime before the due date. I already had a visual in my mind of what the standard bill looked like from all the other previous quarterly payments I’ve hand-delivered so I was not concerned at all about opening up the envelope any sooner than when it was time to pay it. Being also that it was the middle of the current month, I felt no urgency to pay it right away. I still had a couple of weeks. 

On the day I planned on paying the bill following a morning class I was attending, my plans changed after leaving the class. I decided instead to first stop at home and photocopy the check payment with the bill statement for receipt purposes and then join my husband for lunch before paying the bill. When I arrived home and opened the envelope in my car prior to going into the house, to my surprise, it was a tender mercy the bill was not a bill after all, it was only an informational letter. 

Opening up the envelope when I did saved a lot of unnecessary, wasted drive time. Though I ignored the initial impression to open up the specific envelope, it was a tender mercy that when I changed my plans, another opportunity was provided to open the envelope before needlessly driving straightaway to the payment office.

When have you felt impressed to open a specific envelope or look into something before taking action and valuable time was not needlessly wasted? And/or when have you ignored an initial impression and another opportunity to act on the prompting was provided?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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