Visiting The Sick And Afflicted

Visiting The Sick And Afflicted Despite Existing Challenges

Visiting the sick and afflicted is no doubt a special experience especially observing how being with them lifts their spirits, yet the initial going to them and not knowing what to say or do for me is quite uncomfortable.

Having on this day, twice the opportunity to visit the sick and afflicted, it was a tender mercy I didn’t let my own inadequacies get in the way, but I made it a point to go see them despite my anxiousness.  

Though I was super apprehensive of going to the hospital for reasons I don’t know and can’t exactly put my finger on to visit a friend who had been admitted days earlier, with steady intention I set out to go and see them, deliberately staying ahead of my nervousness and reluctance so as not to let my anxieties take hold.

Even though the process to get from point A to point B was an ordeal of sorts from confirming their exact location among the many hospitals in the area, navigating my way around the hospital campus maze until personally guided to a garage closest to the main hospital, circling several flights up a multistory paid covered parking garage before finding an empty parking space, walking down 9 flights of stairs upon learning the elevator did not work, and asking directions to their room once inside the hospital, I remained resolute in going to visit them albeit how anxious I felt each step along the way. 

It was a tender mercy that once I arrived in their room all nervousness, anxiety, and uncomfortableness I had pushed through washed away and we had a wonderful visit. 

Prior to visiting them, I had reached out via text message to another friend I felt the nudge and impression to contact and let them know I was thinking of them and asked how they were doing. As I was entering the hospital I received their reply, “Ok. Having a rough day…”

I did not know what to say back to their vulnerable response, but I also didn’t want to leave them hanging. And, being that texting expressions from the heart is a challenge for me as I am a much better verbal communicator than a written communicator, it was a tender mercy as I pondered what I could offer that was comforting, immediately in my mind, I was impressed to go to their home, two small cities away from me, and give them a hug. 

Incredibly, it was a tender mercy that I happened to be in their town for an appointment that afternoon and when I drove straight to their home afterwards, I showed up at the perfect time. As they opened the door, I said I was there to give them a hug. I was warmly received and right after, spontaneously, as they desired to go out, we went for a drive around town, stopped to get them a soda, and visited for a time at a nearby park. My knock at the door, hug, and visit came at a time that was greatly valued and very much appreciated by them. 

When have you been apprehensive of visiting the sick and afflicted due to your own anxieties and you were able to push through your nervousness and reluctance to bless and be with them in their time of need?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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