The Least Invasive Necessary Medical Treatment

The Least Invasive Necessary Medical Treatment To Heal A Wound Effectively And Adequately Was Applied

As I watched a loved one slip and fall and incur a gash just below one of their kneecaps while they were running in the airport, I prayed that the least invasive necessary medical treatment could be applied to effectively and adequately heal the wound. 

Our family was very excited to greet and welcome a loved one flying home for the holidays. Upon entering the airport, while some of us, including myself, began to head towards baggage claim, a couple of other family members, not knowing exactly where we were meeting the loved one, in competition with each other, took off and raced away in a different direction. 

The moment they split off from the rest of us, I stopped and stood in place dumbfounded by what I was observing unfold. On one hand, I considered their actions of “running” and leaving the group as foolish. On the other hand, I saw that their competitive nature with one another was in all fun and they were innocently enjoying themselves and bonding together. 

Despite the later thought, my look of dismay continued when one of them tripped and fell. While they struggled briefly to get back up on their feet, it was a tender mercy the other family member was right beside them and immediately reached out to help as the injured family member landed awkwardly. 

As I watched the whole occurrence transpire, though I was thoroughly frustrated, annoyed, bothered and upset, I did not say anything out loud to them. It was a tender mercy I resisted any urge to call them out for their actions, instead, I remained silent. I could see that the one injured was experiencing frustrations of their own for what just happened and there was no need for me to say anything at all as I knew my saying anything would make things much worse. 

Initially, when I first saw the bloody wound, the gash site appeared to me as only a scrape. Upon closer examination by myself and another family member after it had been cleaned up, it was realized and agreed that the injury was not just a surface cut but a deeper wound requiring medical attention. It was decided that the best course of action was to take the family member to an urgent care to have the gash looked at by a physician after picking up the loved one when they arrived and before returning back home. 

Despite the frustration I felt inside, especially it being the day before Christmas, I quietly attended to caring for them by bringing out wet and dry paper towels from a nearby restroom to apply to the wound as needed. I also calmly spoke to the reality of their possibly needing stitches at the same time concurring with their desire to not want them and encouraging them to pray as I was praying for the least invasive necessary medical treatment to adequately and effectively be applied to heal their wound. 

When the doctor examined the wound, he shared that though stitches were an option if we wanted to go that route, the bending of the knee while walking and such may cause the stitches to split apart. It was a tender mercy when the doctor also shared that the gash could just as easily heal by keeping it clean, applying vaseline so the wound does not crust over, bandaging it with a non-stick pad and a hurt-free wrap 2 to 3 times a day. Our prayer for the least invasive necessary medical treatment was answered. 

When have you observed a loved one become injured and your prayer for the least invasive necessary medical treatment to be applied for adequate and effective healing of the wound was answered?


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