Same First Name “Problems”

The realization that you shared the same first name as someone else in a small group with you that was picking up something and you were about to receive what was theirs and they were about receive what was yours.

Though I have a very common first name, it never occurred to me nor did I realize while in a small group enjoying a fun adventure with our family over the holiday break that of the four females in our group of ten participants, two of us had the same first name. 

I assumed when we signed up for the adventure, our family would be in a group of our own, however, upon our arrival at the designated time, we were combined with another family whom we had never met. Though we cheered and supported each other as one by one we took turns flying with an instructor, we never introduced ourselves or interacted as we sat on separate benches facing the wind tunnel where all the action was taking place. 

Following the completion of the adventure, certificates were handed out. As I heard my first name called, it was a tender mercy I saw the certificate, inadvertently so I thought, being given to one of the other participants in our group. When I approached the participant and asked about the certificate they had just received, assuming it to be mine, I learned they shared the same first name as me.

And then, when picking up the video of my flight, it was a tender mercy I was able to view it on a screen first before accepting it as I noticed that the woman in the video was not me but rather the other person in our group with the same first name.

In paying attention both times, it was a tender mercy that before leaving I had the certificate and video that was mine in hand.

When have you been in a small group with others you did not know, picking up something in your name, and you came to realize through paying attention that one other person in the group shared your same first name and you were about to receive what was theirs and/or they were about to receive what was yours?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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