Special Occasion Celebration Was Postponed

A special occasion for celebration was postponed when not feeling well on the actual day.

Though my birthday coincided with a national holiday this year and it was not only exciting that my kids would have the day off of school, but also that I was looking forward to it being an extended weekend of birthday fun and relaxation, sadly, due to my not feeling well, my birthday celebration was postponed. 

Traditionally, as a family, when it’s a member’s birthday, we all go out to eat at their favorite restaurant. I planned to go out, but my state of being was not aligned with the day’s agenda. The number of times I tried to get out earlier in the day, I couldn’t do it. It was futile. Each attempt was fruitless. My body just wasn’t having it. Finally, I conceded to not going out at all. 

I loved that it was a sunny day, and though from inside my house it appeared to be warm outside, it was actually a bit chilly which for what my body was experiencing, mostly heavy head pressure, I didn’t want to leave the warmth and comfortableness of my home. 

I imagined and envisioned that holding my head upright while sitting in a booth on a chilly night with the cold going right through me would be quite unpleasant and miserable. So, rather than push myself to do what I originally desired as it would be too much of a strain, I made the decision to stay home. It was what it was and I accepted it, though an absolute bummer that on the one day a year to celebrate me, I was not up to it. 

However, as soon as I relinquished my plans of going out, a weight I didn’t know I was feeling was lifted. I lowered my expectations of what I hoped would happen throughout the day, so much so that by the end of the day I didn’t realize how much I had accepted my circumstances and dissociated from not celebrating my birthday until I was asked by one of my children if I would be blowing out any candles. Though I was surprised that this tradition had completely slipped my mind, the mention of it caused my head pressure to magnify and was a definitive no-go. 

The day was not a complete disappointment though as I had wanted to finish a book I had started weeks back and being able to rest and read the book on this day was wonderful! Not only that, it was a tender mercy when the thought entered my mind that although this day was my actual birthday, I could still celebrate on any other day and it would be just as special. Upon this acknowledgement, my low countenance quickly boosted to happy anticipation of being able to celebrate when I felt better. 

When have you felt unwell at a time of celebration on your behalf and the special occasion celebration was postponed until you felt better?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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