Missed An Important Deadline

Upon missing an important deadline to register for an event, fortunately, the registration was still open for a late fee.

Typically I would be bummed if I missed an important deadline, however, recently when I did just that, missed an important deadline, I was not bothered. 

For months now, occasionally here and there, I have mentioned to our family about an opportunity taking place during a general timeframe for a couple of family members to participate in an event that is held multiple times during the year. However, a strong interest had not been expressed fully by them, therefore, I felt no urgency or pressure to look into registering them for it. Ironically, the day I felt impressed to look into the details of when the closest upcoming one would take place and the timing of when to register, the deadline had just ended the day prior. 

Considering that I would normally be bummed and disappointed if I had missed an important deadline, it was quite uncharacteristic of me to have felt so at ease and not bothered at all about missing the registration deadline. As the family members had not been set on any one of the available dates in particular, per se, I was not stressed or anxious in the least. Though, as I casually shared with one of them that the general timeframe I had brought up from time to time, now only a little more than a month away, was at this point completely out of the question, they were surprised that I had not looked into registering them sooner as I am not a usual procrastinator and often speak to giving oneself a cushion when planning things out. But, for whatever reason, I had not felt compelled or inclined to look into it any sooner than on the day that I did.

Despite the closest date being no longer a possibility, so I thought, as I continued to look into further information about the event, it was a tender mercy I saw that the window to register for the upcoming one was still open albeit a late registration fee would be added to the admission ticket. In looking at the other dates for the event happening a couple more times later on in the year, it turned out that the date to which I just missed the registration deadline by less than 24 hours was the most ideal date of them all. Oddly, as cost-conscious as I am, I was okay and comfortable with paying the late fee.

When have you missed an important deadline to register for an event and then learned that the registration was still open for a late fee to which you were willing to pay?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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