Not What I Thought It Was

What looked like a rock was not what I thought it was, in fact, it was a piece of sidewalk chalk.

It was a good thing I did not throw out what appeared to be an out of place object for it was not what I thought it was. In fact, it was meant to remain right in the very place I saw it. 

During a citywide stay home order for a designated period of time to stabilize the momentum of any community spread of the coronavirus, on a bright and beautiful day following a prior solid day of spring showers, one of my children along with other children and families in our neighborhood and throughout other communities joined in doing a fun outdoor, social distance activity in front of their own homes. 

As I enjoyed watching my child’s creativity and drawing techniques while they did sidewalk chalk art at the same time I was soaking up the sunshine and appreciating the clear blue skies all the while listening to a podcast, I observed what I thought was a rock in close proximity to where my child was working. 

To me, it was an eyesore and out of place. I wanted to clear it out of the way and toss it into the street where it was better suited to be. However, I felt for whatever reason impressed to just leave it. So, I did. But again, as I continued to see it as I watching my child draw, it was bugging me. Once more, I wanted to go over, pick it up, and remove it. Yet, the same impression came to leave it be.

A couple of minutes later my child picked it up and used it for their chalk art. What looked like a rock to me was actually a piece of chalk, the main contour color they were using. Had I thrown it out, they would not have had that particular piece. It was a tender mercy and a good thing that though I wanted to toss the rock look-alike into the street, I felt impressed to just leave it alone. 

When have you resisted the urge to toss away what you observed to be an out of place object which in actuality was not what you thought it was, but an essential object meant to be left right in the very place you saw it?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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