What I Learned From A Mishap

Upon opening a box of individually non-wrapped food items, what I learned from a mishap is that it is a good idea to transfer all of the contents into a ziplock bag before storing it.

What I learned from a mishap after an unforeseen occurrence was a valuable takeaway I plan to apply moving forward in hopes it will prevent the same mishap from happening again. 

Although grocery stores were doing their best to keep their shelves stocked up with food and nonfood supplies throughout the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of items were flying off the shelves as quickly as they were being replenished due to the influx of shoppers desirous to be prepared for the longevity of uncertain times that lie ahead. 

On one of my shopping trips, I was looking for a particular food item on my list that I typically purchase from a wholesale retail store because the product in bulk quantity and individually packaged is less expensive compared to other stores. However, this product that I have always seen in stock there was completely out. When stopping at a different grocery store on my way home, I came across the product. Even though the proportional size of the product was smaller and the quantity amount in the package was fewer for more money, I cut my losses and bought it. What I didn’t know at the time is that the contents in the box were not individually wrapped. 

Days later, in the process of rearranging the food in our freezer to make room so additional food I was adding would fit nicely simultaneously to our carpets being cleaned, the since opened box was bumped and fell out of the freezer. A number of the individually non-wrapped contents of the box spewed onto our kitchen floor where a spillage of diluted carpet cleaner had dripped in front of our refrigerator/freezer which was in the pathway used to go back and forth from the kitchen sink to the carpeted areas when a container of dumped out dirty water was refilled over and over again with tap water and a triple action carpet cleaner. 

I was so disappointed and not happy about the mishap especially considering the product was in current shortage and the contents that fell out of the box being no longer edible were therefore thrown away. Although I was frustrated, it was a tender mercy I immediately gained a takeaway from the experience. What I learned from the mishap in hopes of preventing it from happening again is that upon opening a box of individually non-wrapped food items, it is a good idea to transfer all of the contents into a ziplock bag before storing it. 

When have you learned from an unforeseen mishap what action to take in the future so the same mishap doesn’t happen again?  


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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