Discovering A Happier Path For Me

As I set my sights on pursuing what I thought I would love doing, I came into discovering a happier path for me.

For years, I have had a strong desire and interest to do what I thought I would absolutely love doing. As I have set my sights on pursuing this endeavor, along the way, doors of opportunity have opened up and I have come into discovering a happier path for me.

In my first semester of college many, many  years ago, I took an accounting class. I liked accounting and I thought I would enjoy it as a career, however, one day during a question and answer session with several accountants who came to our class, it was shared that within five years it was not uncommon for accountants to feel burnt out. It was a tender mercy I learned this beneficial information in the beginning of my college years. As I wanted to get a degree in an area I would love long term as well as one in which I could financially support my future family if necessary, I decided right then that going into accounting was not in fact the career for me.

I eventually went on to study and graduate with a degree in Family Science to which I am to this day passionate about and drawn to continuously educate myself on various areas within this field. With a great love for all people, who they are and their individual backgrounds, I have always been inspired by messages and stories shared by speakers at firesides, conferences, Time Out For Women, TED Talks, etc. and have one day wanted to be a speaker myself. The ability to be a light to others and impact the lives of so many in a positive, uplifting way on a stage in front of a lot of people is what I thought I would absolutely love to do.

Along the way of aspiring to become an inspirational speaker, I have had numerous opportunities to interact with individuals one-on-one and in small groups through various church callings, time as a copy pal liaison and a backup Mindful Parenting coach, to hosting social gatherings in my home. It has been a tender mercy that through these experiences, I have come into discovering a happier path for me where I thrive and my personality comes alive. If that translated on a stage, it would be great! 

I imagine outside of being on the stage, a large aspect of being a speaker also involves a lot of correspondence via writing. For me, keeping up with it all would be too much at this time!! I am not ruling out that I’ll be an inspirational speaker one day, but as of right now, I am discovering a happier path for me and it is working with individuals one-on-one or in small groups—teaching, coaching, and facilitating discussions where I am able to be a light and a positive influence in the lives of others for good without being inundated with what for me, at least at this particular time in my life, would be overwhelming and cumbersome. 

When have you pursued what you thought you’d love doing and you came into discovering a happier path for you?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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